Monday, March 8, 2021

Penis size Vs Satisfaction

Penis size Vs Satisfaction

Does size matter?

Most women reveal the best penis size and how much it matters do you ever wonder what the best penis sizes are if size matters at all or maybe whether you're big enough don't worry it's one of the most common insecurities among us men you're not alone it's an insecurity that affects men on three different levels

Here's what men really worry about:

  1. am I going to be able to sexually satisfy the girl I'm with am I going to be able to perform?
  1. is my penis physically attractive enough would a woman be more attracted to a larger penis?
  1. am I less masculine if my penis isn't as big as the next guy to provide insight on this topic?

Alex almond did a 2000 women's study on it which is possibly the best data in the world on how women really think about penis size decides the matter about half the women answered size doesn't matter at all the other half said it does they've mattered both for sexual satisfaction and attractiveness but here's where it gets interesting how important is it Alex asked women too? 

And the importance of penis size among dozens of other factors most studies don't go this deep into the question. 

It turns out that there are about 50 factors that is more important than penis size which is fascinating because you never hear this part we have the overestimate its importance as men size is about as important as nice hair. 

Some of these factors that beat eyes are a good smile, broad shoulders, height, nice hair, being emotional, open charm, sense of humor, and so on. 

If you ever thought of going for any penis enlargement methods then know that you're way better off doing some dental work thanks mile beach penis eyes it wasn't even close of course there are exceptions under 5% of the women said penis size is one of the main factors. 

it's their fetish they exist but they're rare to put this in perspective there are guys for whom I color matters a lot they could only ever date a girl with green eyes that exists but it's not common what's the best penis size this is? 

another interesting part of the study Alex asked these two thousand women what is their ideal size when he averaged all? 

Also Read This: Male vs Female Orgasms

The numbers it turns out when they prefer a 5.8-inch penis length different studies have measured the average they vary between 5.5 and 6 inches and the majority of men found to this bracket of the size chart so they nailed the average which is incredible if you average you're right there you will please the vast majority of women but there's another crucial factor here how important is it to you. 

Your size might be what a woman prefers but if you're insecure about it then that might be a deal-breaker in of itself we reported that men who are insecure about their penis are an impossible man to date it’s not? 

The size that is a deal-breaker in this case but your insecurities so you got to find a way to gain confidence in this area so you got ask yourself how important is it to you yourself for your own feeling of masculinity? 

This is really where it can screw up your whole life that's where penis size is incredibly important and the question you have to ask yourself as a man is if it doesn't matter to women why should it matter? 

So much to you and why should you be judging how much of a man you are based on the size of a particular body part and if you really examine that question.

I hope you'll come to the conclusion that you need to do something about this attitude so now you know the best penis size for women

Thanks for reading


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